Dear colleagues!

In course of arrangements to the IV International Conference "Combating New Coronavirus Infection and Other Infectious Diseases", a set of abstracts will be prepared.
Please kindly study the abstract requirements and submission rules.

Abstract requirements

  1. Abstracts are submitted in Russian or in English.
  2. Volume of abstracts: not over 3 pages or 7.5 thousand characters with spaces (font Times New Roman, font size 12, line spacing 1.5), doc. text format.
  3. Summary of 100 to 150 words in Russian and English should accompany the abstracts.
  4. At the beginning of the abstract the following data should be indicated: authors’ surnames and initials, paper title (not in capital letters), name(s) of the institution(s) in which the authors work, city name, country. If authors belong to different institutions, the affiliations should be identified by numbers.
  5. Abstracts are not to include tables, figures and bibliography.
  6. Contacts of the corresponding author (e-mail address) should be indicated in order to arrange contacts between him and the editorial board, as well as for placing at the volume of abstracts.
  7. The editorial board reserves the right to edit abstracts in accordance with the comments of reviewers

Rules for abstracts submission

  1. Abstracts and accompanying documents (official letter of reference from the institution on letterhead and signatures of all authors on a separate sheet) are to be sent to the email address 
  2. Abstracts are submitted as files in doc. format. The file name is the surname and initials of the first author, typed in Latin font.
  3. The direction letter from the institution and the signature sheet are submitted as separate files. Files formats are pdf. or jpg.
  4. Deadline for abstract submission - November 24, 2023.